The first computer that I owned was the Amstrad NC100 Notepad, a Z80-powered laptop launched in 1992 which featured 64Kb of RAM and a 480 x 64 pixel monochome LCD screen. Its main attraction for me was its BBC BASIC interpreter, since I was already proficient at programming the BBC Micro computers at school.
I wrote lots of software for the NC100 and its successor, the NC200 Notebook, which had twice the memory and screen size of the NC100, and boasted an MS-DOS compatible 3½” floppy disk drive.

The Amstrad NC100 Notepad and NC200 Notebook computers
At university in 1997 I first had access to the Internet and found that there was very little information about these computers online. Deciding to change that, I created my first website, hosted on the university servers:

The website homepage
The website expanded over the years to include a repository for free software, manuals and technical data, a BBC BASIC reference, a marketplace, and a questions and answers section.